Sunday, December 9, 2012

Licence2Play 2012

Saturday, 9 December. This is my very first time visiting a gaming event. I spent most of my time on the Blizzard and Wargaming booths. Just wish I had a better quality camera. Still, I found my time there to be quite exhilarating. Can't remember the last time I ever took a photo that I really wanted to cherish.

The Blizzard booth.
The booth.
This Wargaming model had a World of Warplanes logo on her uniform. The sign she was holding read: "I love men with BIG TANKS!" Behind her is a replica FV 4202 (105).
Got a chance to try out this rare premium tank, the PzKpfw V-IV Alpha, which was awarded to players who participated in the alpha phase of World of Tanks, and it made me wish I had one.
Contents of the World of Tanks goodie bag: mousepad, 2013 calender, tattoo, notebook and dog tag. Some visitors apparently got a watch with their goodie bags, which I didn't get, probably limited supply I guess.
A signed Diablo III Collector's Edition. I may have played the first two Diablo games for nearly ten years, but this time I chose not to play the third. The story had just gotten old for me. Evil can never be defeated.
Beautiful Blizzard model posing with an Orc statue from World of Warcraft. iPhone 4 camera is mediocre, but I love the way the light reflects against her hair. Damn it, I missed her high heels!