Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Mary Jane Kelly and the Romanov family

Skeleton №3 (Romanova Olga)

I love Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia (OTMA). I often prefer only the good times seen in their private photographs and archive footage. But there's no ignoring the fact that these beautiful girls were murder victims. Whenever I read about the murders, I cannot help but think of Mary Jane Kelly, one of the victims of Jack the Ripper 129 years ago. The grisly photograph of her badly mutilated corpse is probably what OTMA looked like when the Bolsheviks mutilated them prior to disposing their bodies.

I sometimes imagine myself travelling in time to witness the disposal of the Romanov family and their servants, retrieving their bodies as soon as the monsters were done with their dirty work so they can be given a proper burial somewhere safe and far away from Russia (assuming rescue was not possible). But considering the mutilations, I never would've recognized OTMA even if I saw them. For instance, the bastard Yakov Yurovsky wanted to dispose of Alexandra and her son Alexei in a seperate grave, but claimed in his memoirs that he mistook Anna Demidova's body for the empress. In fact, the body was Maria's.

I compare the Romanov murders with the Ripper victim for the following reasons:

1) They were murdered.

2) Their bodies were deliberately mutilated. I won't go into the gory details, only that the Ripper used a blade to mutilate his victims. For the Romanovs, the Bolsheviks used sulphuric acid, rifle butts and spades. Fire was also used to burn the bodies of Maria and Alexei, leaving only a few partial bone fragments for amateur archaeologists to find in 2007.

While the Ripper did it for sadistic pleasure, the Bolsheviks did it to disfigure the Romanovs beyond recognition. One could argue that since the Bolsheviks despised the imperial family, they were likely to have derived satisfaction from mutilating them. Their bodies were also "completely naked", as was Mary Jane Kelly. The Bolsheviks stripped the Romanovs to loot their belongings, burning their clothes in a bonfire, whereas Mary Jane Kelly's clothes were left folded on a chair.

Only photos of the Romanovs' skeletal remains after their exhumation in 1991 exist. But to have an idea of what they may have looked like at the time of their disposal, I look no further than the grisly photograph of Mary Jane Kelly's corpse. Obviously I won't post the photo here because it's far too graphic. It's somewhat less intense seeing a skeleton.

3) Both crimes remain unsolved to this very day. Unlike the Ripper victims, we know the individuals responsible for murdering the Romanov family. Except that the perpetrators were working for the Bolshevik regime, led by Vladimir Lenin. Lenin is still venerated in Russia today, so prosecuting him for the Romanov murders will likely never happen.

Some claim that prosecution is pointless because the perpetrators are long dead. But death of old age should not exempt them from guilt, nor should time diminish the severity of a crime. The purpose of an investigation is to determine criminal responsibility for the murders and, as far as I'm aware, there was never any formal inquiry into Lenin's role or anyone from the Bolshevik regime for that matter.

In 2012, the Kremlin conducted a posthumous trial of Sergei Magnitsky. If a dead lawyer can be prosecuted, then so can the Romanov murderers. However, as I've mentioned before, the Romanov family was murdered by the Bolsheviks. Although communism is no longer state ideology in Russia, they still refuse to acknowledge or expose atrocities committed during the Soviet era. For them it's better to deny and forget.

There are two differences between the crimes. One is the photographs of the victims. While there are many lovely photographs of the Romanov family, no photos of Mary Jane Kelly before she was murdered exists. Entering her name on Google Images will always return grisly results. And while the Romanovs are buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Saint Petersburg, Mary Jane Kelly's grave has been lost to time. She was buried in St Patrick's Catholic Cemetery in Leytonstone, London. However, her gravestone does not mark her exact resting place.

Rest in peace, Mary Jane Kelly.

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Romanov family in Sevastopol, 12-15 May 1916

Images may not be in sequence.

Посещение императором Николаем II г.Севастополя. Император Николай II с наследником-цесаревичем Алексеем и сопровождающими их лицами обходят почетный караул от Черноморского флотского экипажа на Севастопольской пристани во время встречи.

Посещение императором Николаем II г.Севастополя. Император Николай II, наследник-цесаревич Алексей, командующий флотом Черного моря адмирал А.А.Эбергард у машинного трюма на линкоре "Императрица Мария".

Посещение императором Николаем II Севастополя. Император Николай II, императрица Александра Федоровна, наследник-цесаревич Алексей, вел. княжны Ольга, Татьяна Николаевны в сопровождении свиты проходят по пристани, направляясь на смотр военных кораблей. (Source)

ГА РФ ф. 685 оп. 1 д. 188 л. 48 фото 904

Посещение императором Николаем II Севастополя. Император Николай II, императрица Александра Федоровна, наследник-цесаревич Алексей, вел. княжны Ольга, Татьяна Николаевны, морской министр, адмирал И.К.Григорович, князь Игорь Константинович и др. на катере перед отправкой на смотр военных кораблей. 12 мая 1916 года
ГА РФ, ф. 673. оп. 1 д. 206 л. 7

Посещение императором Николаем II г.Севастополя. Император Николай II, императрица Александра Федоровна, наследник-цесаревич Алексей, дочери императора, вел.княжны: Ольга, Татьяна, Мария и Анастасия Николаевны, командующий флотом Черного моря, адмирал А.А.Эбергард (2-й слева) в группе офицеров на палубе линкора "Императрица Екатерина Великая". 12.05.1916 г.

ГА РФ ф. 683 оп. 1 д. 123 л. 14 фото 263

ГА РФ ф. 685 оп. 1 д. 188 л. 48 об. фото 908

ГА РФ, ф. 640 оп. 3 д. 25 л. 75 фото 1114

Imperatritsa Mariya

сканирование0034 by RusCadet

Августейшая Семья и команда линкора "Императрица Мария". Севастополь, 12 мая 1916 года
ГА РФ, ф. 673. оп. 1 д. 206 л. 8


ГА РФ, ф. 673. оп. 1 д. 206 л. 8 фото 92

ГА РФ, ф. 673. оп. 1 д. 206 л. 8 фото 98

ГА РФ, ф. 673. оп. 1 д. 206 л. 7

ГА РФ, ф. 683 оп. 1 д. 125 л. 5 фото 56

Anastasia, Nicholas II, Tatiana, Maria, Olga, Alexei and Igor Konstantinovich

ГА РФ, ф. 673. оп. 1 д. 206 л. 7

ГА РФ, ф. 673. оп. 1 д. 206 л. 9

Nicholas II and Maria Nikolaevna. Behind them is the destroyer Leytenant Shestakov (лейт. Шестаков)
ГА РФ ф. 683 оп. 1 д. 123 л. 16 об. фото 306

ГА РФ, ф. 683 оп. 1 д. 125 л. 5 фото 63

Император Николай II, морской министр, адмирал И.К.Григорович, командующий флотом Черного моря, адмирал А.А.Эбергард, наследник-цесаревич Алексей, вел. княжны Ольга, Татьяна, Мария, Анастасия Николаевны, князь Игорь Константинович и др. на катере перед отплытием на осмотр минной бригады. Дата съемки: 13.05.1916

Николай II посещает эсминец 'Дерзкий' в Севастополе, 13 май 1916 г.
Nicholas II visits the destroyer Derzky in Sevastopol, 13 May 1916.

Летопись войны 1914-15-16 гг.
Посещение Их Величествами с Августейшими детьми Севастополя и черноморской эскадры в мае 1916 г. (К статье «Воспоминания») [3 фото.] – стр. 1697


ГА РФ ф. 673 оп. 1 д. 206 л. 9 об. фото 119

ГА РФ ф. 673 оп. 1 д. 206 л. 9 об. фото 122

Anastasia Nikolaevna (source)


Царская Семья приветствует команду линкора Императрица Мария. Севастополь, 14 мая 1916 года
ГА РФ, ф. 673. оп. 1 д. 206 л. 8 об.

ГА РФ ф. 683 оп. 1 д. 123 л. 16 фото 298


ГА РФ, ф. 683 оп. 1 д. 125 л. 5 фото 62

"Гидроавиация 14-го Мая [1916 г.]"
ГА РФ, ф. 673. оп. 1 д. 206 л. 10

ГА РФ. Ф. 683. Оп. 1. Д. 125. № 85

NH 100162

More low quality photos can be found on RGAKFD (Website has been reworked so here's a new link: Посещение императором Николаем II Севастополя, Одессы. 9-15 мая 1916).

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Yesterday I learned something new about the Romanovs: Poincare's visit

Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra had dinner on board the French battleship France on the evening of 23 July 1914, which was President Raymond Poincare's final day in Saint Petersburg. I don't know if Alexei or the grand duchesses were there, but Maurice Paleologue's diary mentions Olga.

It had indeed a kind of terrifying grandeur with the four gigantic 304 cm. guns raising their huge muzzles above the heads of the guests. The sky was soon clear again; a light breeze kissed the waves; the moon rose above the horizon... I found myself alone with the Tsaritsa, who asked me to take a chair on her left. The poor lady seemed worn out... Suddenly she put her hands to her ears. Then with a pained and pleading glance she timidly pointed to the ship's band quite near to us which had just started on a furious allegro with a full battery of brass and big drums.
'Couldn't you?' ... she murmured. I signalled sharply to the conductor... The young Grand Duchess Olga had been observing us for some minutes with an anxious eye. She suddenly rose, glided towards her mother with graceful ease and whispered two or three words in her ear. Then addressing me, she continued, 'The Empress is rather tired, but she asks you to stay, Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, and to go on talking to her.'

If Olga was on board, surely her siblings were there too.

The footage above shows two grand duchesses accompanying their mother on the carriage with the French president at Krasnoye Selo on 23 July 1914. There is no mistaking Anastasia with her flowing hair. Her sister, on the other hand, is difficult to identify, and that is not helped by the video's 480p quality. Luckily, the few high resolution photos below provide some clarity.

 I think it's safe to say that the grand duchess looking in the direction of the camera is without a doubt, Tatiana. The Big Pair were in a carriage with two other ladies. Perhaps one of them is the wife of the French president?

The next three photos (probably not in sequence) show the other carriage with Empress Alexandra, President Poincare and the two grand duchesses. Again, there is no mistaking Anastasia's flowing hair. The photo on the right (with all the officers saluting), shows a grand duchess looking in the direction of the camera. However, her face is partially obscured by shadow.

But judging by the shape of her face I would guess that she is Maria, as she was known to be the chubbiest of the four. Maria and Anastasia always travelled together anyway, as did Olga and Tatiana. There was clearly not enough space for all four girls, so they travelled on seperate carriages, the Little Pair with Alexandra and the Big Pair on the other.

Thus I believe it is safe to assume that all four girls attended the farewell banquet on board the battleship France with their parents that evening. The only person missing from this occasion is the Tsarevich Alexei. No photos of the Romanov family on board the battleship, but a well documented event nonetheless.

  • Nicholas and Alexandra: The Tragic, Compelling Story of the Last Tsar and his Family by Robert K. Massie
  • https://humus.livejournal.com/4265699.html